R&D Programs
– 產學大聯盟 –
ACE Technology for Future Society 2025-2035
Moderator:Edward Yi Chang
International College of Semiconductor Technology, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
The purpose of this 5-year industry-academia “Big League” research proposal (ACE) is to develop and prove the concepts of key exploratory and disruptive semiconductor devices, designs, and IPs which can help overcome the technical bottlenecks and enable future business growth for the future (2025-2035) digital economy and smart sustainable society, besides training and developing semiconductor talents and engineering skills in Taiwan.We’ll push the commercialization and production of research results in several years after project completion, as early as 2028-2030. The research themes and topics are jointly decided with world-class industry leaders with three main thrusts targeting nextgeneration ubiquitous, energy-efficient computing, communication, and energy conversion technologies, i.e., Thrust-1 (“A”): Data-centric Computing/AI technology, Thrust-2 (“C”): Super high-speed/capacity 6G/B5G Communication technology, and Thrust-3 (“E”): Superefficient Energy conversion technology. The program is named ACE, by combining A, C, and E together with strong synergy and mutual leverage among the three thrusts, both technically and application-wise.
Thrust-1 (“A”)
Explores aJclass ferro-electric NVM and multi-ferroic memory/logic devices and in/near memory computing designs toward 1 POPS/W for data-centric computing and AI, with 100X better energy efficiency
Thrust-2 (“C”)
Focuses on 6G/B5G-enabling Si-based (CMOS, SiGE HBT) and GaN-based super-fast and low-latency mobile communication devices and novel subterahertz circuits
Thrust-3 (“E”)
Develops highefficiency/ speed wide-gap (GaN and Ga2O3) high voltage energy conversion devices ,and high efficiency, high CMTI smart gate driver designs for fast charging, and MIMO wireless fast charging