Student Programs

Center Assistantship (BCH)
Center Assistantship (Mst & Ph.D.)
TSMC Ph.D. Scholarship
In order to encourage outstanding students to invest in semiconductor-related fields to pursue doctoral degrees, in order to promote the quality of key talents and R&D energy of Taiwan’s overall semiconductor industry, and continue to promote the development of advanced technologies, TSMC has provided Ph.D. Scholarship since 2020.
TSMC Semiconductor Programs

To enhance the quality of semiconductor talent and attract more high-caliber individuals to contribute to Taiwan's semiconductor industry, TSMC collaborates with top domestic universities to design semiconductor programs. Together, they define the professional competencies and corresponding course blueprints required for advanced processes, circuit design, and smart manufacturing in the semiconductor field. This initiative guides students in their learning and preparation, establishing a solid theoretical foundation.
International Training

International A-tier Meetings and Seminars (e.g. IEDM, VLSI) Exchange Student Program of Top University(e.g. UC Berkeley, MIT, Stanford)

本中心大學部及研究所學生,在學期間可優先獲得台積電暑期實習機會, 實習期間每一位學生都會被分派至與研究領域相關的專案,讓學生可以提早體驗職場並與台積的工作團隊有進一步的互動與學習。
R&D Substitute Service (RDSS) /Advanced Offer (AO)

TSMC Symposium

Individual Consultation
